Kalevala The Musical is a story of ancient legends, told by the spirits of the haunted forest of Kalevala. The musical is adapted from the national epic poem of Finland. The tales of Kalevala were passed down through song for generations until they were finally collected in a book of poems by Elias Lonnrot in 1835. Since then Kalevala has been a source of inspiration to many fantasy authors, including J.R.R. Tolkien and widely cherished across the world. Kalevala the Musical is composed and written by Johanna Telander.
The VL Studios has been an irreplaceable partner in the production from its initial grassroots stages to its current growing status. From content creation, content management, marketing strategy to PR, they've done it all. Various meetings and on-going consulting have brought us amazing results, as our project has gained public recognition beyond imaginable on a relatively short timeline. The close, tight-knit relationship we formed early on with the VL-team has made it possible for our artistic vision to be uniquely carried out and it has effectively brought our story to the front and center of people's lives, providing content for audiences in a most creative and memorable way.