The opening of The VL Studios brought together professionals across various industries from tech to fashion. The evening featured performances by Valev Laube & Charlies Rauh, Johanna Telander & Jazz Band, Diina Tamm & James Koroni, and the video premiere of Watcher in The Woods: A New Musical initiated by Doug Thompson. Take a look at moments captured by Eleri Ever.
May 31, 2019
The opening of The VL Studios, a digital design and marketing agency based in New York, brought together professionals from various industries including technology and fashion. The launch event featured performances by industry leaders such as Valev Laube & Charlies Rauh, Johanna Telander & Jazz Band, Diina Tamm & James Koroni and the premiere of the video for "Watcher in The Woods: A New Musical" initiated by Doug Thompson. Moments from the event were captured by professional photographer Eleri Ever. Contact us at to learn more about our services and how we can help your business succeed in the digital landscape.